
Even though we specialize in mostly modern carpets, kilims and textiles, we also feature a collection of exceptionally beautiful antique rugs that comprise our Antique Collection. It is reasonable, therefore, that each antique piece will be described individually for what it is.
This very beautiful small rug was produced in the 1880s, while India was still under British rule. The vast majority of carpets made in Agra those days, were commissioned by British officials and aristocrats, in order to decorate their mansions in Britain, as well by Maharajas and Rajputs, who would decorate their palaces. As a consequence, the size of these carpets was large and in many cases huge. The Agra pieces available in the market, have been preserved due to the fact that they were used in houses with many rooms, where in some cases, very rarely were used, and also because they were well looked after.
This particular rug is very rare because of its small size and also because it bears all the classical Agra colors in the highest quality level. It is surely the work of a distinguished artist.
For availability, call us at (+30) 210 3613123.